Information Technology(IT)

What is Information
Information is data processed for some purpose.Information can only be considered to be 'real' info if it meets certain criteria etc

It must be communicated to recipient
It must be in a language that is understood
It must be in a suitable form
It must be relevant for achieving some purpose

INFORMATION-is any form of communication that provides understandable and useful knowledge for the person receiving it.

COMPUTER-A computer is a general purpose,programmable device that is used for the production and processing of information.Capable of calculating and storing results

Computers process Information-Computers accept inputs (i.e. data). The input is translated into Binary numbers and 'processed'. The process produces output (i.e information). This sequence can repeat endlessly: outputs can be inputs!
Components of a Computer System-Computer Systems are made up of, Hardware-the physical parts, Software-the instructions or programs that control the hardware.The Human Being-the brains behind the whole system!

Computer Types:
Mainframe Computer
Personal Computer (Microcomputer / Desktop)
Network Computer / Server--Uses two types of terminal: "Dump" & "Intelligent"

Computer Hardware components:
A Typical PC system is made up of*
-System Unit
-Monitor (VDU)
-Multimedia Devices
System Unit -- CPU -- Memory -- RAM --Hard Disk -- Storage:

The central component of the system, Houses:-The processor: corresponds to the CPU| Memory RAM and ROM| Storage Hard Disk, Removable Storage devices| Types include intel pentium series, celerion, AMD Athlon| Chip at heart of the computer- does the calculations| Speed is very important- measured in megahertz(MHz), The faster the processor the more calculations performed per second| A computer must be able to store its calculations and programs| Two types of memory: "Volatile" and Permanent | Measured in bytes| One byte = eight bits| RAM Used by the Computer as the working area| RAM Holds the working program, the data being processed and the interim results| RAM Volatile - contents are erased if power is cut, accessed randomly can get any piece of data directly| RAM faster than permanent storage and not to be confused with ROM(Read-Only-Memory)| Hard Disk is permanent Memory- records and stores all programs and data / information magnetically Larger than RAM - average 12 - 120GB Slower - involves mechanical movement (read/write head,revolving disk)| Storage Floppy Disks-CD/DVD ROM-Zip Drive-Magnetic Tape
Technology and science
The term "technology" is strongly associated with the application of science to the solution of technical problems. Narin and Olivastro (1992) suggest that there is a continuum stretching from vary basic scientific research, through applied research and technology. In some fields, on the other hand, such as communications, computing, medicine, and chemicals, the distinction between science and technology is blurred.The most active areas of high tech growth are often those that are very science intensive.In the case where "technology does draw on science the nature of that relation is not one of technologies obediently working out the 'implications' of scientific advance... Technologists use science". Feibleman (1972) distinguishes between pure science, which uses the experimental method in order to formulate theoretical constructs,explicate natural laws, and expand knowledge;applied science which focuses on applications to purposeful activity; and technology which puts applied scientific knowledge to work.

science and technology have different objectives.Science seeks basic understanding--Ideas and concepts usually expressed in linguistic or mathematical terms.Technology seeks means for making and doing things. It is a question of process always expressible in terms of three dimensional 'things'

The Post-Digital people
People's love for technology has let businesses weave it--and themselves--into our lives, and interact with the world.but that unconditional love is starting to fray, and it's increasingly clear that the approaches companies took to reach this point won't take them any further.People's love for technology has let businesses weave it--and themselves--into our lives, and interact with the world.but that unconditional love is starting to fray, and it's increasingly clear that the approaches companies took to reach this point won't take them any further.

Leading in the future will demand rethinking core assumptions about how an enterprise works and redefining the intersection between people and technology.

people are changing-why aren't you? To move forward, enterprises must first acknowledge the essential role technology plays in people's lives today, and how that relationship is changing(The reason that the increasingly strong and symbiotic connection between people and technology is meeting resistance is not because technology has ceased to be valuable.It's because enterprises have not yet re-oriented to just how meaningfully people treat technology today)

Some are labelling today's environment a "tech-lash," or backlash against technology.But that description fails to account for the fact that we're using technology more than ever.Rather, it's tech-clash-a collision between old models that are incongruous with people's current expectations.

Leaving the roadmap behind(with the roadmaps of the past two decades,companies successfully wove technology throughout the business, but tech-clash makes these blueprints irrelevant going forward)what does that mean for enterprises?There's no defined path left to follow.Everyone is working from the same blank slate, but that doesn't mean they're working with nothing. There's a larger guiding light: companies should look to people's core values to see how success could take shape

2020 Trends
To truly bring a human touch to the next decade, the new models that enterprises build must be rooted in collaboration.As technology's level of impact grows ever higher throughout society,successful businesses will be those that use new models to invite people-customers,employees,partners or the public-to co-create their new course for the future.

Information Technology(IT) Information Technology(IT) Reviewed by ONOFF World on July 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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