Technology is growing Technologyes

How fast is technology growing
The first to shine a light on the technology growth rate. It says that the transistor count on integrated circuits doubles roughly every two years. Someone recently asked me what I thought computers would be like 50 to 100 years in the future. That seemingly simple question was surprisingly difficult for me to answer.I still keep catching myself thinking about it days later.

one of the reasons why that question is so hard to answer is it assumes that there will only be one types of computer.

But even today there are a huge variety of computers,We have PCs,servers,mainframes,Internet of Things(IoT) devices the list goes on and on.

Therefore, to say something like "there will be a QUANTUM COMPUTER on every desk" would be incredibly short-sighted.While I do expect quantum computers to eventually become a mature technology, I also expect that there will be computers that are more traditional.Even so, these computers will likely be based on an architecture that is far different from what we have TODAY.

Although I think that in will be impossible for an electronic device to ever perfectly mimic the HUMAN BRAIN, I think that computers will eventually adopt some of the brain's characteristics. One such characteristic is the heavy use of offloading.As strange as it sounds, the human brain actually does quite a bit  of task offloading. For example, the brain offloads many of the tasks related to spatial positioning to the eyes.That isn't to say that the eyes have memory (they don't), but rather that the eyes reduce the brain's task load.
  • Here's How Fast Technology Is Growing (Telling stats)
By 2020, 50 billion smart devices will be collecting, analyzing and sharing data.
The web hosting services market is to reach $77.8 billion in 2025.
70% of all tech spending is expected to go for cloud solution.
There are 1.35 million tech startups.
Global AI market is expected to reach $89.8 billion.
There are 4,383 million internet users.
Solar energy adoption has grown with around 50%.
Isn't it fascinating how fast technology is advancing?
If you found those statistics mind-blowing, just wait and see  what else I've got prepared for you

Today's computers already do some task offloading

Many network cards include TCP/IP offloading capabilities.In the future, however, I think that task offloading will be far more prevalent than it currently is.I also believe that tomorrow's computers will likely be equipped with sensors that go far beyond anything that we have today.

One smartphone so powerful is that the devices include so many different sensors that can be leveraged by applications. A modern smartphone can sense GPS position, Light, Temperature, Sound, Touch input and much more. Just imagine the types of applications that developers could create if computing devices were equipped with 3-D vision, thermal imaging or perhaps a spectrometer that could identify unknown substances.As electronic components continue to shrink in size and processing power continues to increase, having an increasingly exotic array of sensors embedded into a computing device will become ever more practical.

(MPP)-Massively Parallel Processing
Another change that I expect to see in the future is the MPP capabilites.pretty much every computer being manufactured today includes multiple CPU cores, but I think that within two or three decades we will probably have have CPUs that include hundreds of cores.

Today having multiple cores is only beneficial if multiple threads need to be executed.Micro-segmentation of execution threads, thereby enabling software to more easily leverage all of the available CPU cores

  Big Data Growth                 
Big data market revenues for software and services are forecast to reach $103 billion in 2027.

Their compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is expevted to reach 10.48%.

Big data applications and analytics are forecast to grow to $19.4 billion in 2026.

The expected CAGR is at 15.49%.

 90% of the world's data has been generated in the last couple of years.

It is expected that by 2020, more than 50 billion smart devices worldwide will be collecting, analyzing and sharing data.


Technology is growing Technologyes Technology is growing Technologyes Reviewed by ONOFF World on July 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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