Working with Space


NASA's Space Technology Program builds upon the success of its Innovative Partnerships Program and responds to input from the NRC in establishing an advanced systems concepts and enabling technology development activity. The Space Technology program will advance multi-purpose technology, in some case to flight-ready status. The Space Technology program will complement the mission-focused technology development activities in NASA's mission Directorates, delivering solutions to NASA's needs for new technologies in support of future NASA's missions in science and exploration, as well as the needs of other government agencies and  Nation's space industry in a manner similar to the way National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics aided the early aeronautics industry. The Space Technology Program will enable new approaches to NASA's current mission set and allow NASA to pursue entirely new missions.  
With the launch of sputnik in 1957 and the subsequent beginning of the space age, the progression of space technologies has on the on hand led to the development of hundreds of applications that use satellite data, including devices for everyday use from satellite televisions to the satnav in our cars. On the other it has underpinned scientific progress in Earth and Atmospheric sciences as well as in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Just to recall some of the highest public profile contributions from the field, satellite measurements showed the extent of the ozone layer depletion in the atmosphere and the existence of exoplanets and black holes have been confirmed.


In contrast to the mission-focused technology development activities in the NASA mission Directorates there shall be multiple customers for space Technology program products.The Space technology program will sponsored research in academia industry and NASA.


$572.2 million and $4,925.9 million is budget request for space technology it is included in the five year budget plan.While fostering and stimulating an innovative research and development culture at the NASA.


The outside the existing mission directorates, The space technology program is managed by NASA's new office of the Chief Technologist, which report directly to NASA.


The space Technology Program consists of three major program elements and an Agency Partnership development and strategic integration function. Through the Three major elements of this program.


The need for additional space capabilities is increasing as NASA leads our nation in envisioning missions of increasing complexity to explore and understand the Earth our solar system and the univese.


While NASA  investments alone will not solve it, major breakthroughs are needed to address our society's health transportation and environment challenges.


Stronger focus on technology development the intellectual capital at NASA's field centers will be utilized to deliver solutions to some of our nation's grand technological challenges.


Space Technology Research Grant Projects will meet future space science and exploration needs of NASA, other government agencies and the commercial space sector through technological innovation.This low TRL technology portfolio focuses on foundational research in advanced space systems and space technology performed primarily through collaborative efforts between academia systems and space technology.

This project will also provide innovations in space systems to help make space exploration more affordable.project competition guidelines include a maximum award o $400k/yr for one year, with at most a one-year extension following technical evaluation of a renewal proposal A small amount of funding for both the student's university advisor and NASA advisor will also be provided. Students will be selected based on demonstrated performance (GPA and GRE scores) and recommendations letters.


And NIAC will serve as an incubator for bringing new technologies into future aerospace endeavors. By supporting innovative and visionary concepts aimed a decade or more into the future NASA missions and goals.


Working with Space Working with Space Reviewed by ONOFF World on August 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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